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Terms of Use  

As a visitor or a member of ChretienMaurice.com you agree:

  1. To read and abide to the Legal Disclaimer and Privacy policy of ChretienMaurice.com.
  2. ChretienMaurice.com is aimed at a general audience. You agree to respect all the users of this site and not:
    • Use Explicit or vulgar language,
    • Post drug talk,
    • Post links or messages about nudity, porn and so forth.
  3. Not to reproduce any copyrighted parts or elements of this site, in whole or in part, without the specific written permission of Vinsen Technologies first-hand and obtained.
  4. Not flood us with spams or e-mail.
  5. Not to try and test vulnerability of system or network and breach it.
  6. Not take any action to hack so as to gain privilege and access you are not entitled to.
  7. Not to use a proxy or other means to mask an ip in order to obtain services which such user is not entitled.

We reserve the right to change these terms of use at any given time, as such you should check upon it from time to time. We will do our best to notify you of the changes that have been made.

Also note that the breach of any of the above rule may result in an indefinite ban or even an IP ban.